win the day的用法与搭配
v. 得胜;成功;获胜;战胜
- Patient men win the day .
- 有耐心的人最终将会成功。
- But winsome didn 't win the day and neither did hard luck stories .
- 但是可爱并没有获胜,而不幸的故事也没有获胜。
- But their more ideological brethren are better positioned to win the day politically .
- 不过,他们那些意识形态味道较浓的同道占据着有利位置,以便在政治上赢得胜利。
- Unfortunately so long as economic matters dominate functionalists may well win the day .
- 不幸的是,只要经济事务还占主流,实用主义者们就占上风。
- Given this it seems likely that indifference will win the day .
- 有鉴于此,不愿改变选举制度的人似乎会取得胜利。
- As an investor though I 'd put my money on short-term thinking to win the day .
- 但作为一个投资人,我倾向以短期思路把钱投去赚快钱。
- Unless we act soon the facts on the ground will win the day .
- 如果我们不很快采取行动,“既成事实”就会获胜。
- As in many matters german enthusiasm is not enough in itself to win the day .
- 在很多问题上,德国的热情并不仅限于自己占上风。
- People who persist will finally win the day .
- 坚持到底的人将会最后取得胜利。
- This access to information coupled with the lack of offices created a flat structure where any idea could win the day .
- 这种开放的方式,再加上办公室短缺,使得大家能在一个空间里发表任何可以成功的点子。